
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Weekend Thoughts and #GreyForMissy Reminder (It's Tomorrow!)

**Please consider wearing grey on tomorrow, Wednesday, May 18th in honor of Brain Cancer Awareness Month and in memory of my little sister.  If you would like to be included in the annual #GreyForMissy post, please take a picture of your grey and post it to any social media site tagged with #GreyForMissy or #GrayforMissy and I will add it here. You can also share the photo on the BioGirl facebook page or email it to me at biogirl79(at)gmail(dot)com.**

So Henry's birthday was amazing. Truly, amazing.  I have so many thoughts and pictures to share, but I will need a couple more days to pull that together, so for now, enjoy this picture of Nick and I with our own little Harry Potter and know there is WAY more to come on Thursday or Friday. 

In addition to the his Epic Harry Potter bash, we also went out to celebrate on Friday with some Laser Tag and Putt Putt golf.  At some point I realized this is how normal human being celebrate a birthday. Take the child and their two best friends out for the evening and call it a night.   Ah well, we are nothing if not thorough birthday celebrators...
Very serious birthday boy... he looks ready to fight zombies.
In addition to the Friday and Sunday parties, I also cohosted a shower for Candice this weekend, which ALSO will get it's own post... maybe Friday?  Or Monday? Who knows!  Plus the Cardinals had three games in three days and won them all (!!!) so there are possibly some pictures and videos to come from those games if I ever get around to it... It was a really busy weekend. 

And I know I mentioned it up at the top of the post, but I figured it doesn't hurt to say it again; tomorrow is the 4th annual #GreyForMissy event here on Bio Girl.  Please consider participating.  It means so much to our family.  You can email me your pictures at biogirl79 (at) gmail (dot) com or tage them on any social media site with #GreyForMissy or #GrayForMissy and I will add them to tomorrow's post.

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