
Friday, September 30, 2016

So many blog topics, so little time...

It's the last day of September. Already.


I have posted twice, this post makes three times, this month. That's just awful.  And yet I can't bring myself to feel back about it. There are only so many hours in the day. But there are a few things that happened this month that feel worth mentioning, even if they are told through pictures and have to be dropped in one quick post.  Let's see...

First, I should mention I took Cici to Girl Scout camp last weekend! It wasn't really the plan for me to take her, but on the morning of the trip her mama came down with an awful stomach bug, so with 30 minutes notice I headed on a camping adventure with my favorite girl!

Here are a few other pictures from the trip. Girl Scout camp is so amazing! I don't remember it being quite this cool when I was a kid...

(they let the moms do the rock wall too!)
And it was not small..

 Also, archery! 
 And canoeing!

 Swimming! Seriously, camp was great.

 As a thank you (or just because) Boo and Cici got me this sweet new Harry Potter shirt. A girl can't have too many!

 On to the next topic.  Our sweet Henry had to have a tooth pulled this week.  It was...epic.
 I mean, how can that tooth come out of his tiny head?!?!  It was rough. And while I missed the action (I was teaching) I showed up right after it was over and Nick looked... not well. I am not sure he will ever get over it.
 Henry, on the other hand, is recovering very well! It helped that the Tooth Fairy went big on this one, getting him an actual gift. I mean... it was a BIG TOOTH.
 And a final update, we had our last fall ball practice last night. Two more games (one of which I need to go to now!) and we are done!

And with that, we wrap up September.  Bring on the pumpkin spice and slower schedule. I am ready for fall.

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