
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Pumpkin Patch and Halloween Party Mash Up Post! (October is nearly over... gotta get it all in!)

So I realize I am skipping pictures from our anniversary again, but since Halloween is sorta on a count down, I want to share some of those pictures first... seem reasonable? Great!

First, I wanted to share a few pictures from our trip to the pumpkin patch a couple of weeks ago. We actually went as a celebration of Nieem's birthday, since we had to miss his actual party due to baseball related activities (Another thing I never wrapped up on the blog...maybe some day.) But we had a GREAT day today at the pumpkin patch, so all was right with the world. Here are a few pictures of the fun.

And usually this would be it's own post, but you know... running out of October, SO, let me also tell you about my cousin's adorable Halloween party she had for the kids today!  She had them make Halloween themed food, Boo helped them made a craft, I helped them learn science! (nerd!) and the grandma's came with presents.  It was WONDERFUL.  Really, I was looking forward to it, but it was even more enjoyable than I expected. The kids had a blast, and so did we :)  Pictures? Pictures!

 The kids with their skull glasses full of vampire blood drink... it was... delicious
Our fearless Hostess
 Mom and Jan! How adorable are they?
 The kids opening their Halloween baskets, which are totally a thing when you have grandparents like these kids :)
 Wes really loved the items in his basket :)
And on to the science experiment.  Making your own lava lamp and learn about density! 
Honestly, we all rather enjoyed it...
Can you tell??
Actually, I thought they would love watching the "lava" slowly come up and drop back down, but they mainly wanted volcanic eruptions.  So... less about density, more about chemical reactions. Lessons to keep in mind for next year.

Mama's with their babies
On to making their craft! 

A mummy family :)
And this one should be back up there with the science experiment, but I will just leave it here because it makes me laugh
Good times, family!  Let's do it again next year :)

Thursday, October 27, 2016


So yesterday was my birthday, which is always enjoyable.  I mean, I guess it is?  I don't really mind birthdays, but I don't really get excited about them either. I did think I was turning 38, but turns out I was only turning 37, so SCORE.  I just gained a year. 

Nick and I spent last weekend out of town for our ten year anniversary (someday I plan to do a post on this! With pictures! Because it was an AMAZING trip! But I plan to do a lot of posts with pictures these days, and they rarely seem to happen so, we will see...)Anyway, after that epic trip I said we didn't really need to do much for my birthday. I had lunch with my mom at a favorite local Mediterranean place, then we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner with Boo and her crew...and we are celebrating with my parents to Bonefish on Friday... as I get older my birthday happiness commonly centers around food.  Before dinner we took a walk through our local arboretum.  We laughed and talked and hunted Halloween Pokemon.  It was perfect.

In general, there isn't really anything I want or need for my birthday.  There are no wishes I need to make on candles. At thirty seven, I am exactly where I want to be.  And that's a pretty great feeling.


Friday, October 21, 2016


Through the highest highs and the lowest lows. There is nobody I would rather walk through this life with. Love you, baby.

Happy ten years.