
Monday, March 27, 2017

Since We've Been Gone...

Wow. It's been awhile.

Like, a shockingly long while.  And I don't even have a good reason to have not dropped back in for a quick post. Nothing major has happened, except life I guess.  Life has definitely been happening.   In a good way.  A great way even.  Days move past, we work, we play, we enjoy being together.  Sometimes I think of taking a few minutes to blog, but instead I find myself taking a few minutes to be with Henry, or Nick, or just a few minutes to be with myself.  And that's nice.

This isn't a post to say I am never posting again. I will likely be back.  It might be later this week, it might not be until May, but I fully expect to post again.  But I do like the feeling of not feeling like I MUST post. The feeling that it's a job, something that has guilt associated with the extended lapse in blogging. These two months have helped me understand that nobody was putting pressure on me to blog except myself.  And if I decide to blog weekly, that's fine. If I decide to only blog once or twice a year, that's cool too.  So, I guess, I will see you when I see you. Who knows, it could be tomorrow.

For today, here are some pictures of what we have been doing these last couple of months, in no particular order :) .


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