
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Sweet Henry's 9th Year

My baby turned nine a couple of weeks ago. NINE. I owe him a letter, which I hope to write this week. I also feel like I owe the blog a birthday party post, because it was amazing. But for today, I will share his 9th year photo montage. Every year we make one, but this one was a little different. It is the first full year of his life where I was not regularly blogging. As time passes I am more and more grateful for the record of his childhood that have been saved in this space. While I know he is growing, and his story has become more his own, and not necessarily mine to share, I struggle with the desire to document every single thing about him. Thank goodness for pictures.

 Nine. It really is amazing, how time moves. Days are long, years are short, and all that jazz.

 Happy (belated) birthday, sweet boy. What a year we have had.


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