
Who's Who

We spend a lot of time with family and friends around these parts, and because of that, they make regular appearances on this blog, both in pictures and in stories.  I am very bad at telling you who these people are. I have always just kinda assumed you have all been reading here forever and just remember every important person in my life. Now that I think about it, it was expecting a lot of you.

Anyway, it has recently been brought to my attention that some of you might be a little confused with the complicated web that is our life.  Who is Cici?  Who are Missy and Boo?  Who is my Mom... well that one might be self explanatory, but what does she look like?  You want faces to go with all these names? Well here you go!  I present you with the Who's Who of  Bio Girl!

Nick- Husband, Papa, Futurama enthusiast, maker of best chocolate milk shakes and french toast around.

Henry- Son. Loves peanut butter and banana's, Hot Wheels and Tickle Bug. The light of our lives.

Cici- Niece. Daughter of Boo and Chris, Lover of dancing, singing, Barney and her cousin Henry.

Boo- (
aka Jenn, not that you will EVER year me call her that) and Chris. My older sister and her husband. Parents to Cici.  Boo could be a professional closet organizer.
Sweet Missy
Missy- My beautiful baby sister. aka Aunt Mimi.  Our sweet Missy passed away from brain cancer in February 2013.  We will forever be utterly heartbroken over this loss.  You can read about her battle with cancer on her blog which I updated with details of her treatments when I could.  You can also read all I have written about her here on bio girl, including my struggles with my grief over losing one of my very best friends.
Mom and Dad. aka Nanny and Papaw. Dad is a die hard Cincinnati Bengals fan, mom is the best cook in the world.  Both are completely in love with their grandbabies.
Aunt Candice- Nick's sister. The most awesome math nerd you will ever meet.chris&Nicole&Nieem
Uncle Chris, Nicole and Nieem- Nick's brother and his family. Chris runs a hacker space, Nicole wrote a book, Nieem is just awesome.
Vacation 2011
Nana and Grandpa. Nick's mom and step dad. The only thing they love more than the beach is sweet Henry (and maybe us too...).
Christmas 2011
Grandaddy and Val-Nick's dad and girl friend. Live in a castle (according to Henry).
Liz and Wes- My cousin and godson. Best friends since birth. bought my childhood home, so we are keeping it all in the family :)
Charing, Morgan and Carter. My best friend and two of her four children (the two I talk about the most, but I love Scott and Zack too!) Greatest hostess in the world. 
 The South Carolina Crew: Matt, Blair, Kelsey, Thomas and Caleb (not pictured).  Nick's cousins and their significant others, who we adore and seem to make time to see one way or another several times a year.  When we are together, we stay busy.
Whitney and Evie- Best Friends since high school, basically lived together in college, regular gchat companion. Is the reason I started blogging in 2005. 
Friend Christmas 2011
ZPO (picture missing Liz... also from Christmas. we need to update...)- a group of my closest girls who try to set aside time each month to get together and catch up. It used to be wine on the patio, now it's coffee with the kids running around. Either way, it's a great time with great girls. Was the subject of my first blog.
Cici's 2nd Birthday
Ryan and Andy- Two of Nick's best friends. Been friends forever, totally part of the family. (Stephen not pictured, but I will work on hunting down a shot of all four of them one of these days)


  1. Where's Norah?? She wasn't mentioned in Cici's bday post, either...

    1. Nora actually went back to her birth mom a few months ago :( I wrote a post about it, which you can see here:

  2. I loved the run-down, thanks Sarah.

    You and Nick are SO blessed to have all these amazing friends in your real life (where you live). Not that the computer friends are not real :)
